Happiness - SimPle SCienCe

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Thursday, March 29, 2018



Man's pursuit of happiness  He is still searching for all his mind, though, and material to find it, but it remains a secret he has not realized very little; it is an inner feeling that man feels to give him the comfort of self, conscience, Chest exudation, and reassurance of the heart. The basic human problem is with the happiness it has suffered since eternity because it does not know the tools to achieve it. It tries to try the material and tangible material to reach happiness, and you find it not reaching. What is happiness? Where does it lie? Is it a decision or an inevitable fate? What is the view of Islam?
The concept of happiness⧪  The concept of happiness varies from one person to another, and it differs in the definition of philosophers as well. It is a relative term. A person may be pleased with something that is common to others. Everyone wants to become happy. But when you ask them: What is the meaning of happiness? Most of them will not be able to answer correctly because the concepts are complicated and intertwined. Most people do not differentiate between happiness, well-being and satisfaction, survival from death and pain, and the pursuit of well-being and well-being. Happiness is an abstract concept that is not confined to a sensual or rational range but beyond that which is imaginary. Hence, it is difficult to limit it to a few words. Therefore, the French philosopher Nicolas Chamfort says: "Happiness is not easy, Hard to find in our midst, and impossible to find them abroad). Aristotle defines happiness as pleasure (or at least it is closely related to pleasure - and pleasure, in turn, is interpreted as a conscious absence of pain and discomfort) where virtue limits thought and philosophy to thinking, and ultimately comes to life that is characterized by happiness is life that is centered around Mental activity, Spinoza says in his book ethics: (Happiness is the joy that we realize when freed from the bondage of passions and superstitions and prejudices). "Happiness is, in my view, the ability to experience the widest range of emotions and feelings in a healthy way," said Ms. Rikewood. "Happiness is a feeling of satisfaction in the absence of anxiety, disorder, or irritability... As for Imam Ghazali, he says: (The pleasure and happiness among the sons of Adam is the knowledge of God Almighty), and follows it by saying: (I know that the happiness of all things and his taste and rest are according to the printing, everything created for him, As well as others in this manner, and the pleasure of the heart especially the knowledge of God Almighty; because the heart is created for them).
true happiness  People are different in determining true happiness according to their interests and needs. Some believe that the real happiness lies in owning large sums of money, including those who imagine them in a luxury house and a luxury car, some of whom see them in prestigious positions or enjoy a beautiful beauty or achieve the instincts of the body and the desires of the soul, Or in a large number of children. Al-Razi says in this regard: "Man shares in the pleasure of eating and drinking all animals, even the most despicable of them. If it is happiness and perfection, a man should not have a virtue in that in animals." He adds in another context: It is not self, but its outcome is due to the payment of pain, and the evidence is that the more hungry the person was, the greater the eating, and the less hungry the less the food. The Muslim philosophers are truly happy in satisfying the pleasure of mind and mind with knowledge and science, in addition to appreciating and elevating the value of actions based on mental effort. Here, Al-Kindi, Ibn Muskawi, Al-Farabi and Ibn Rushd agree that the true happiness is reflected in the request of science of wisdom, philosophy, It is worth mentioning that Muslim philosophers and ancient Greeks have agreed that true happiness is manifested in faith, proper and constructive work, and the realization of reason and thought to complete the perfusion of earthly pleasures. Best to upgrade Nations and finally reach happiness. The seeds of happiness and the basis of happiness lies in all human beings, but they are constantly searching for them outside their spirit and themselves, which drains their energies from work, family, money, and food, to feel them for a short time and a chance, and then seek a whirlwind to get them again, Only deep inside, otherwise he will not find it in anything truly external.
True happiness is a decision
that a person takes with his will, patience, and desire. If a person is determined to be happy, he will be happy with the simplest and smallest things and enjoy them. He will look at her with satisfaction and love, not anger and hatred. And the trouble of being around him, but of course he can prevent her from entering his mind, the means of diversion and methods are many, do not end only by making a decision to give himself happiness.

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