Sleep - SimPle SCienCe

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Thursday, April 26, 2018



Sleep is a natural state of relaxation in living organisms, during which the voluntary movements and feeling of what happens in the ocean. Sleep can not be considered a loss of consciousness, but a change in the state of awareness. Research is still underway on the main function of sleep, but it is the common belief that sleep is a natural phenomenon to reorganize the activity Brain and other vital functions in living organisms.
Although a person spends about a third of his life asleep, the majority does not know much about sleep. There is a widespread belief that sleep is an inactivity in the body's physical and mental functions that a person needs to renew his activity. However, the scientifically proven reality is quite different, as it occurs during sleep many complex activities at the brain and body level in general and not as some believe,, Some functions are more active during sleep and some diseases occur during sleep only and disappear with the waking of the patient. This information and scientific facts are modern in the age of time, as some medical references have not addressed them yet.

The scientific definition of sleep :
The scientific definition of sleep should reflect the four main criteria that distinguish sleep:

Minuscule movement: Massive movements such as walking, speaking and writing usually prevent the rule of sleep, and do not occur unsatisfactorily.
Stereotyping: For example, when a person falls asleep on the ground (with rare exceptions), it is possible to say that a person standing upside down on his hands can not be asleep.
Low responses to stimuli: The human does not respond to low-intensity sounds when he is asleep.
Reflectivity: The sleeper can wake up from sleep, which distinguishes sleep from coma or death.
These behavioral criteria constitute the definition of sleep that corresponds to the concept of the normal person to sleep. However, science knows sleep by some physiological measures that are closely related to sleep. These physiological measures derive their value from their behavioral association with sleep, and they provide information about the types and stages of sleep that are not observable within the behavioral manifestations of sleep.

What happens during sleep?
Sleep is not a loss of consciousness or coma, but a special situation passes through the human, during which certain activities. When a person is awake, the brain has a certain electrical activity, and by sleep, this activity starts with change and sleep study helps us to pinpoint it precisely. The sleeper passes through sleep several stages of sleep, each role. There is the first and second stage, and sleep during the light and begin with the beginning of sleep. The third and fourth stages, or so-called deep sleep, are then started. These phases are important for restoring the body's activity. The lack of these two stages of sleep results in uncomfortable sleep, tiredness and stress during the day. After about 90 minutes begins the stage of dreams or what is known as the phase of rapid eye movement, and dreams occur during this stage, and this stage is important to restore the mental activity. And traffic in all stages of sleep known as a full sleep cycle. During normal human sleep (6-8 hours) the person passes about 4-6 full sleep cycles.

The number of hours of sleep we need :
The number of hours of sleep that a normal person need varies greatly from one person to another. But the number of hours the same person needs is always constant. Although one may sleep more than one night on a night, the number of hours a person sleeps during a week or month is usually fixed.
Many people believe that the number of hours of sleep required per day is eight hours. This figure is the average number of hours for most people, but it does not necessarily mean that everyone needs that number of hours. Humans range from less than three hours to more than 10 hours for others.
In a study of the National Center for Health Statistics in the United States of America, two out of 10 people slept less than 6 hours a night, and one in ten slept 9 hours or more per night. People who sleep less than 6 hours are called short sleepers, who sleep more than 9 hours with long sleepers but are normal. Both Napoleon and Edison were short-sleeved. While the world of Einstein was a long sleeper. In the sense that the number of hours of sleep that a person needs if he is normal and does not suffer from a sleep disease does not affect the productivity and creativity.

Tips for a sound sleep :
Sleep is a normal process we do every night. And since people are not alike, some people go to sleep whenever and wherever they want, while others have difficulty sleeping, and when they sleep, they do not enjoy rest or regain their activity. A particular lifestyle and eating habits, as well as individual behavior, help to sleep well, as these factors can positively affect both normal and quality sleep. Our talk here will be limited to behavioral aspects of treatment, and we will not address organic disorders.
There are misconceptions about sleep you should be clarified. The average person needs four to nine hours of sleep every 24 hours to feel active the next day. However, the number of sleep hours a person needs varies from person to person. Many people think they need eight hours of sleep a day. The more hours they sleep, the healthier. For example, if you sleep only five hours a night and feel active the next day, you do not have trouble sleeping. Others attribute the lack of performance and failure in some things to life to lack of sleep, which leads to an excessive focus on sleep, and this focus prevents the owner to get a comfortable sleep at night and enter in a closed circle. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between the lack of performance resulting from lack of sleep and lack of performance resulting from other things, such as increased pressure in work and inability to deal with the increase in tension and others.

Food and drinks :
It is advisable to avoid eating heavy meals before bedtime by about 3-4 hours, as it is constant that eating heavy meals at any time of the day adversely affect the quality of sleep.
A snack before bedtime can encourage sleep.
Alcoholic beverages. Alcohol may initially lead to sleep, but it is scientifically proven that once the body begins to interact with alcohol, it will lead to sleep disruptions and extreme insomnia. Alcoholic substances increase the chances of choking during sleep.
All types of beverages that contain caffeine have a negative effect on sleep, especially if eaten in the evening or before bedtime. Studies have shown that caffeine causes insomnia even in those who claim it does not affect their sleep.
Nicotine is also a type of stimulant. Smoking a cigarette causes sleep disturbance and interrupts sleep.

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